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 MM(Middle Man) Rules!

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MM(Middle Man) Rules! Empty
PostSubject: MM(Middle Man) Rules!   MM(Middle Man) Rules! EmptySat Jan 08, 2011 6:08 pm

There have been some confusion to who can be a middleman, MMs are the most trusted members in the community, they are in-charge of helping to clear this forum of scammers. Not everyone can be a middleman, so if you do not meet these requirements, please DO NOT ASK!


1. You MUST have been a member of this forum for 2 months. No exceptions.
2. You need to have at LEAST 100 posts, to show that you are truly invested in the community.
3. Before you submit your application, please get the approval of at LEAST 3 staff members. (Read below on how to apply)
4. Meeting these requirements does NOT mean you are guaranteed to be a middleman. It is all up to the staff/etc.


1. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for scamming. This goes double for middlemen.
2. Middlemen will be held semi-responsible for scams of other users (chargebacks/account recovery/etc.), depending on the case & evidence.
3. Respect BOTH members, and bail whenever you suspect a scam/something fishy.

We will soon be making this a 'Moderated' forum, in which the staff need to approve the threads. Simply post your normal thread, including the 3 vouches/prices/everything that needs to be on the thread. If your thread then becomes approved, you are approved, if not, then you are declined middleman status.

Official MM's"

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